Riu Riu Chiu - Spanish, 15th. century, anonymous

    Riu Riu Chiu

    Riu, riu, chiu 
    La guarda ribera 
    Dios guarde el lobo 
    De nuestra cordera.

    El lobo rabioso 
    La quiso morder 
    Mas Dios poderoso 
    La supo defender, 
    Quizole hazer que 
    No pudiesse pecar. 
    Ni aun original 
    Esta uirgen no tuuiera, 


    Este uiene a dar 
    A los muertos uida, 
    Y uiene a reparar 
    De todas la cayla; 
    Es la luz del dia 
    Aqueste mocuelo.
    Este es el cordero
    Que San Juan dixera.


    Yo ui mil garcones 
    Que andauan contando 
    Por aqui bolando 
    Haziendo mil sones, 
    Diziendo a gascones, 
    Gloria sea en el cielo, 
    Y paz en el suelo 
    Pues Jesus nasciera. 


    Este uiene a dar 
    A los muertos uida, 
    Y uiene a reparar 
    De todas la cayla; 
    Es la luz del dia 
    Aqueste mocuelo. 
    Este es el cordero
    Que San Juan dixera.


    Yo ui mil garcones 
    Que andauan contando 
    Por aqui bolando 
    Haziendo mil sones, 
    Diziendo a gascones, 
    Gloria sea en el cielo, 
    Y paz en el suelo 
    Pues Jesus nasciera. 


    Nightingale's sounds

    Riu, riu, chiu (nightingale's sounds)
    The river bank protects it,
    As God kept the wolf from our lamb.

    The rabib wolf tried to bite her,
    But God Almighty knew how to defend her,
    He wished to create her impervious to sin,
    Nor was this maid to embody original sin.


    He comes to give life to the dead,
    He comes to redeem the fall of man
    This child is the light of day,
    He is the very lamb Saint John prophecied.


    A thousand singing herons I saw passing,
    Flying overhead, sounding a thousand voices,
    Exhulting, "Glory be in the heavens, 
    and peace on earth, for Jesus has been born."


    He comes to give life to the dead,
    He comes to redeem the fall of man;
    This child is the light of day, 
    He is the very lamb Saint John prophecied.


    A thousand singing herons I saw passing,
    Flying overhead, sounding a thousand voices,
    Exhulting, "Glory be in the heavens, and peace on earth,
    for Jesus has been born."


    This is a Spanish composition of the type known as a "villancico," dating from the sixteenth century. The language
    is archaic, some words being unfamiliar to my Hispanic friends and not found in at least the basic dictionaries. It concerns the shepherds in the biblical Christmas story and observes, among other things, the "one born today is
    actually his mother's father and the one who created her is said to be her son." I learned the song from an early
    '70s recording by New York Pro Musica.


    Marco Giunco
    Work Basket Music Words