Christmas at Mountain Stage
    1. Christ Child's Lullaby (Mattea, Kathy)
    2. Star of Wonder (Roches, The)
    3. Cowboy Christmas Ball (Murphey, Michael Martin)
    4. Singin' in the Land (Seeger, Mike)
    5. We Three Kings (Cappella Bell Choir)
    6. Christmas Angel (Groce, Larry/Mountain Stage Band)
    7. Papa's on the Housetop (O'Brien, Tim/O'Brien, Mollie)
    8. I Wonder as I Wander (Thompson, Bob)
    9. Winter Wonderland (Roches, The)
    10. Do You Hear What I Hear? (Cappella Bell Choir)
    11. Silent Night (Morris, David)
    12. Goodnight Lades/Auld Lang Syne (Murphey, Michael Martin)


    Kathy Mattea: Vocals
    Michael Martin Murphey: Guitar, Vocals
    Mike Seeger: Autoharp, Vocals
    Bob Thompson: Piano, Keyboards
    Sarah McLachlan: Vocals (bckgr)
    Michael Thompson: Guitar (Electric)
    Larry Groce: Vocals, Vocals (bckgr)
    David Morris: Autoharp, Vocals (bckgr)
    Waddie Mitchell: Poetry
    Deni Bonet: Vocals, Vocals (bckgr)
    Bill Cooley: Guitar
    Dan Einstein: Producer
    Nick Forster: Vocals (bckgr), Slide Guitar
    Gerry Gillespie: Bass
    Francis Johnson: Bells
    Joey Miskulin: Accordion
    Mollie O'Brien: Vocals, Vocals (bckgr)
    Tim O'Brien: Guitar, Vocals, Vocals (bckgr)
    Rob O'Connor: Bells
    Suzzy Roche: Vocals
    Gary "Smoothie" Roller: Bass
    Jonathan Yudkin: Violin
    Julie Adams: Vocals, Vocals (bckgr)
    John Kessler: Bass
    Terre Roche: Vocals
    Ammed Solomon: Percussion, Drums
    Ron Sowell: Guitar, Harmonica, Director
    Aaron Alexander: Bells
    Devon Brown: Bells
    Chick Rains: Guitar
    Maggie Roche: Vocals
    Donald McIver, Jr.: Bells
    Peggy McIver: Bells
    Kathy McKain: Bells
    Beth Vorhees: Bells

    Production Credits:

    Al Bunetta: Producer
    David McClanahan: Engineer

    Marco Giunco
    Work Basket Music Words